This pair of white Adidas sneakers is going to be manhandled and then demolished today. I commence wearing the same boots in black - walk over the white footwear, drool on them, use them as my ash-pot and even put the cigarette out on them. Then its time to get more serious. I put on a pair of high high-heeled slippers with lean metal high-heeled shoes and begin to walk over the shoes. The thin heels dig into the top and the soles of the sneakers, but unfortunately dont pierce through - so Ive to get even more effective shoes! The spike sneakers should definitely be enough to finish them! The long sharp spikes go through the sneakers easily and they even stick to my shoe soles :-D I stomp on them, grind them under the spike sneakers and jump on them as well. In the end I show you the damage close-up - theyre definitely ready for the trash bin now! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you contact me at com!