As soon as his Mistress comes in the room, this sissy starts sniveling like a girlie while hes sitting with arms tied on the couch. The shaky, little loser is afraid! Saras not the kind of a prim woman and starts to strangle the humid directly after she noticed him. Her mitts lock his mouth up tightly to make him suffer the worst. When Saras generosity permits him to take a deep breath before the next round, he waists his breathing air for moaning. If hed only saved his precious breath - cause Saras just about to accelerate and even tears him apart verbally.
Adore My Ass Take a close look at Mercedes tasty arse. She knows exactly how much you like ...
Mistress Lea’s Bday – Part 1 Mistress Lea get a visit from her slave for her birthay but the Leas bday was ...
Crushmassacre Under Rubberboots Lady B makes a fine crushmassacre with her Gumboots. Very first she crush many ...
Keuschheitsfalle Sooooo dumm wie du Versager, ist wirklich eine Seltenheit, sitzt du in der ...
Erotic Audio – Significant Fuck Toy Miss Abnormal wants to remind sissies what they exist for. They exist for the ...
Sneakergirly – Rubber Bears Crush Rubber Bears.
3 Min Looper 3 Looping Fake penis Rider Hop On... WEAR HEADPHONES WHILE YOU RIDEThe entire point of this audio is to sissify you ...
Spitted On And Laughed Down The ridiculous slave is worth that I slobber him in his ugly deadbeat-mug. It is ...
Throttling The Slave Under Latex Today the slave will learn something fresh... Ive brought some spandex to ...
Ballbusting 28 Black nuts destruction! Perverse doctor gets his nut sack blue kicked! The ...